Blithe Spirit
Runs from
Thursday July 21 2016
to Sunday August 7 2016
Approximate running time: 2 hours
Production Notes
By Noël Coward
Directed by Anne Lewis
July 21 - August 7
Charles Condomine’s household is host to a ghost. The eccentric medium
Madame Arcati conducts a whimsical séance and a surprising guest arrives...
the spirit of Charles' mischievous late wife Elvira (who only he can see).
As he tries to convince his current (living) wife of his sanity, he’s caught in a
hilarious tug-of-war between two jealous women! Doors bang, vases fly,
and invectives abound in this witty, spirited comedy… one you’ll
remember for life—and perhaps the afterlife as well!
Recommended for ages 8+.
Please be advised that groups (ten tickets or more) are not available online.
To purchase group tickets, please call the box office at 610-282-WILL (9455)
By Noël Coward
Directed by Anne Lewis
July 21 - August 7
Charles Condomine’s household is host to a ghost. The eccentric medium
Madame Arcati conducts a whimsical séance and a surprising guest arrives...
the spirit of Charles' mischievous late wife Elvira (who only he can see).
As he tries to convince his current (living) wife of his sanity, he’s caught in a
hilarious tug-of-war between two jealous women! Doors bang, vases fly,
and invectives abound in this witty, spirited comedy… one you’ll
remember for life—and perhaps the afterlife as well!
Recommended for ages 8+.
Please be advised that groups (ten tickets or more) are not available online.
To purchase group tickets, please call the box office at 610-282-WILL (9455)